RE: Query about intent of aria-expanded

I think this is handled by the user agent, the association is set on one node using aria-controls to point to another element, and the two are then linked in the user agent, forward and backward. Do I understand that correctly?

The same concept could be applied to the aria-flowto attribute, where it is only necessary to set it to point to a referenced element, but it is not necessary to set another attribute on the referenced element like aria-flowsfrom.

From: Léonie Watson []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 5:47 AM
To: 'James Craig'
Cc: 'W3C WAI Protocols & Formats'
Subject: RE: Query about intent of aria-expanded

James Craig wrote:
"It can be used on a disclosure widget that expands a section, and it can also be used on tree item that is expanded or collapsed. If you use it to indicate expansion of another element, the aria-controls relationship should be present"

Thanks James.

Think I'm still missing something though. Wouldn't there be a control element and a controlled element in both examples? The only difference is whether the relationship between the two is established in the DOM, or applied through aria-controls.


Léonie Watson - Senior Accessibility Engineer, TPG
@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup

Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 18:18:09 UTC