Re: Proposal to change documentation on tabindex to strongly discourage values greater 0

17.10.2014, 20:06, "White, Jason J" <>:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []

>> A use case is to build a component that is used in various pages, in
>> different locations, and locally assign tabindex within it, but not have
>> that tabindex override the order of tabbing around the rest of the page.
>> So the requirement *might* be something like being able to scope a set
>> of tabindex attributes, such that they only apply within the scope.
> One solution might be a boolean attribute that confines the effect of tabindex attributes of descendant elements to that subtree, and ignores all values of tabindex occurring outside the subtree.

I haven't taken the time to write up a use case in more detail. But at Yandex we build a massive amount of web content (hundreds of millions of views per day) in something like the way I described.

My initial off-the-cuff thinking was some attribute that would scope the tabindex, analagous to the "itemscope" attribute in microdata. Which might be the same as your idea. But perhaps I need to think harder. In the meantime I'll go back to some of the teams who produce these things at Yandex - they might have futher ideas.


Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Friday, 17 October 2014 23:27:55 UTC