Re: CSUN 2015 and "what's new in ARIA"

Hi, Birker:

Yes, we can most certainly expect CSUN sessions relating to ARIA.

One major goal of such sessions for me is to inform the wider a11y
community that ARIA work has a new, forward looking, widely applicable
focus now that we've moved beyond v. 1.0. ARIA isn't just for ATs
anymore. That's my slogan for the new focus. Needless to say there's
more to say about that, and it needs saying, clearly and simply.

Second point -- There's no reason we can't have more than one CSUN
presentation about ARIA, imo.

Lastly -- This list is public, and whatever you find here is publically
archived and referenceable in the W3C archive for this list at:



Birkir Gunnarsson writes:
> Greetings guys
> Appologies if this is a newbie topic and has been discussed or documented.
> Is any one planning to present the current ARIA developments at CSUN,
> including possible new attributes for 1.1/2.0?
> I am not sure how much of the things we discuss on this list is proprietary
> and what is public information, I have not been discussing them much since
> that could cause confusion.
> Also I am not suggesting I should participate in such presentations,
> unfortunately we have had a lot of client work wrapping up recently giving
> me no time to contribute to this group like I wanted to or I should.
> But some of the issues about future ARIA attributes and changes are
> something I find so exciting and would make some parts of my work with
> developers so much easier.
> I would be excited to have a presentation on these at CSUN 2015.
> I would be happy to do some work, co-authoring or co-presenting if that
> would help.
> If someone is presenting I am coming to those sessions, unless they conflict
> with ones where I am presenting.
> The CSUN submission deadline is in two days and I just wanted to ask what
> the plans are or should be for presenting our work there.
> Thanks everyone and sorry again if this is off-topic!
> -Birkir


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair,	Protocols & Formats
	Indie UI

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 15:42:25 UTC