Microsoft IE bug regarding aria-describedby and the accessibility tree Description property


I came across this yesterday, but am not sure where to submit it.


The issue is this, when aria-describedby is set on a link, it does not set
the UIA Description property accordingly, but instead sets the Description
as the link text instead. Verified on IE11 using Win7.


Weirdly, the Description property is only set correctly if role="tooltip" is
set on the referenced nodes, which doesn't make sense when multiple IDs are
being referenced.





* 1. UIA Description property results in "Test 1", not "Announce me" as it



<span id="testid1">



<span id="testid2">



<a href="#" aria-describedby="testid1 testid2">

Test 1





* 2. UIA Description property now results in "Announce me"



<span id="testid3" role="tooltip" >



<span id="testid4" role="tooltip" >



<a href="#" aria-describedby="testid3 testid4">

Test 2




This may be applicable to other element types as well.


Received on Friday, 6 June 2014 16:31:09 UTC