User Agent Implemantation Guides

After agreement at the ARIA face to face meeting we agreed to the following
outline drafts for the User Agent Implementation Guides for Core, SVG2, and
HTML 5.1:

Thus far those signed up as editors:

Core: Joseph Scheuhammer
HTML5.1: Steve Faulkner
SVG2: Yours truly

Jason and Alex we would like your help editing the documents - especially
HTML5.1. Would you be willing to help? ... of course equal billing as
editors. I am also happy to get help with SVG2.

I would like to do a snapshot of the current HTML 5.1 one for SVG2.

Where can I get it? I heard it might be on github.
Where should I store it? Should I store it on github or elsewhere?
What is the process for updates Michael?


Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Thursday, 27 February 2014 22:08:13 UTC