Re: Effect of role=presentation on img elements with svg

Switching to public-pfwg at Rich’s request. Moving XTECH to BCC.

On Feb 3, 2014, at 3:07 PM, Leif Halvard Silli <> wrote:

> Bryan Garaventa, Sun, 2 Feb 2014 13:30:57 -0800:
>> Still, as far as I'm aware, the purpose of presentation within the 
>> spec is to nullify a particular element within the accessibility 
>> tree, and to leave all child nodes alone if present.
> The challenge is that the @src attribute doesn’t represent ”child 
> nodes”.

It does for <iframe>. It only hasn’t for <img> because most images are flattened raster data.

> And further, one could argue that @src, just as @alt, is a 
> specific img element feature, and that @srec therefore should be 
> nullified, when img has presentation role. In my view, this makes 
> sense, because the graphic is supposed be presentational for *all* 
> users.

I think the core of this debate is still that the name “presentation” has historically meant, that the entire sub-tree is devoid of semantic meaning, but that’s not what role="presentation" means, which is why we’re talking about choosing a new name. There is too much historical baggage that comes with that term. 

Even here, you’re using <img src="file.svg" role="presentation">  when you’d get what you want if you just used: either <img src="file.svg" alt=""> or <img src="file.svg" aria-hidden="true">


Received on Monday, 3 February 2014 23:30:23 UTC