Workshop on User Interaction in AAL on Fri Sep 27: Remote participation possible

Dear Colleagues.

We are happy to announce the presentation of three leading projects in the
field of AAL and Human-Computer Interaction. The workshop should also point
out voids for further research and potential projects for the upcoming
calls. Feel invited to participate and collaborate!

Date: Friday, 27th of September, 11:00-14:00

It will be possible to participate remotely (via GotoMeeting) on the
WORKSHOP ON AAL USER INTERACTION as part of the AAL Forum in Norrköping,
Sweden.  This workshop will be free for remote participants.  However, if
you intend to participate remotely via GotoMeeting, we request your
registration through the webpage at  <>  Please add "GotoMeeting" to the
"Organization" field, so we can recognize remote participants.  Please find
the connection info for GotoMeeting below.



1. Introduction
2. Project Presentations
- UI in UniversAAL (
- AALuis (
- Cloud4All (
3. Pause (15 min.)
4. AAL UI Taxonomy Presentation
5. AAL UI Questionnaire
6. Discussion: Further Research Directions

Web conference (GotoMeeting) information for remote participants:


1.  You can join the meeting FREE by using the following URL


Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. 

BE SURE TO SET THE AUDIO TO    "Microphone and Speaker"   if it is set to
Telephone when you sign on. 


2. Or, call in using your telephone.

Meeting ID: 619-028-605


United States: +1 (786) 358-5410

Australia: +61 7 3123 6029

Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1400

Belgium: +32 (0) 92 98 0592

Canada: +1 (416) 900-1165

Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 88 62

Finland: +358 (0) 942 41 5778

France: +33 (0) 182 880 456

Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6975

Ireland: +353 (0) 14 845 976

Italy: +39 0 247 92 12 39

Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 379

New Zealand: +64 (0) 4 974 7215

Norway: +47 21 03 58 96

Spain: +34 911 82 9782

Sweden: +46 (0) 313 613 558

Switzerland: +41 (0) 225 3314 51

United Kingdom: +44 (0) 203 535 0621

United States: +1 (786) 358-5410

Access Code: 705-233-502

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Best regards,

Martin Petzold (University of Cologne, Germany)
Gottfried Zimmermann (Stuttgart Media University, Germany)
Christopher Mayer (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
Reiner Wichert (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)


Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 11:08:28 UTC