RE: UAIG Menu events

Maybe.  I was asked to combine them, and that seemed the simplest way.

Ideally, I'd leave line 6 there.  If you take focus out of the menu and menu mode is still on, I think the user could get into a bad state.  Why do we need to remove it?

From: Joseph Scheuhammer []
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 1:51 PM
To: Cynthia Shelly; Joseph Scheuhammer; Richard Schwerdtfeger
Cc: W3C WAI Protocols & Formats; Alexander Surkov
Subject: Re: UAIG Menu events

On 2013-10-30 4:48 PM, Cynthia Shelly wrote:
How about add to line 5
"Note: when focus moves out of a menu, authors SHOULD close the menu"

I suppose, but that strikes me as a best practice.  That is, something that belongs in the APG, and not in the UAIG.



'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'

'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'

             - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 20:54:52 UTC