Re: UAIG Menu events

In addition to my last note comment this is fine to me except the last row.
When you exit the menubar you exit menu mode and send the menu end events.
The popup menu events should be covered by row for when the author hides
the menu upon exiting the menus/menu bar.

Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Joseph Scheuhammer <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Joseph Scheuhammer
Cc:	Cynthia Shelly <>, W3C WAI Protocols
            & Formats <>, Alexander Surkov
Date:	10/30/2013 02:40 PM
Subject:	Re: UAIG Menu events

On 2013-10-30 3:29 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
      that works.

With that in mind, here's the latest.  Still waiting on Cynthia for advice
about how to combine rows 5 and 6.

However, the fact that the old text MSAA text for row 6 said, "clear menu
mode", the implication is that the user has moved away from the menu bar,
and not simply moved focus out of a menu, leaving it open.
|                      Scenario                      |                    MSAA                    |            Microsoft UIA             |
  |             Mac OS X             |
|Menubar is currently not active, and user moves     |Activate the menu bar and fire              |MenuModeStartEvent on the accessible  |
|focus to the menubar from elsewhere thereby         |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART on the accessible    |object for the menu                   |
|activating it. As a result, a menuitem in the       |object for the menubar.                     |                                      |
|menubar is focused.                                 |                                            |                                      |
|                                                    |                                            |                                      |
|                                                    |                                            |                                      |
|Menubar must a DOM parent of the menuitems or one   |                                            |                                      |
|defined by aria-owns.                               |                                            |                                      |
  |AXMenuOpenedNotification          |
|Focus a menu item while menubar is activated.       |EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS                          |AutomationFocusChangedEvent           |
  |AXMenuItemSelectedNotification    |
|Menu popup made visible (menu is opened).           |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART                 |MenuOpenedEvent, then a focus event on|
|                                                    |                                            |a menuitem                            |
|                                                    |                                            |                                      |
|Should only be fired once until the menu is closed  |                                            |                                      |
|and opened again.                                   |                                            |                                      |
  |AXMenuOpenedNotification          |
|Menu popup hidden (menu is closed).                 |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND once only for     |MenuClosedEvent                       |
|                                                    |accessible menu object and only if          |                                      |
|                                                    |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART was fired for   |                                      |
|                                                    |it.                                         |                                      |
  |AXMenuClosedNotification          |
|All menus closed, and user moves focus away from    |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND on the menubar;        |MenuModeEndEvent                      |
|menubar; menubar is deactivated.                    |deactivate the menubar                      |                                      |
  |AXMenuClosedNotification          |
|Focus moved out of menu I CAN'T RELATE THIS SCENARIO|EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND, then             |MenuClosedEvent, then MenuModeEndEvent|
|TO ANY OF ALEX's 5 SCENARIOS.                       |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND and deactivate the     |                                      |
|                                                    |menubar                                     |                                      |
  |AXMenuClosedNotification          |


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
             - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 19:59:33 UTC