Re: ARIA UAIG test case failure

Hi Alex,

> This one goes probably from native markup. So if div was
> used instead input then test should be working.

Confirmed (with a span).

> Or more generic question does ARIA win over native markup
> when they are in direct conflict like <input disabled="true"
> aria-disabled="false">?

The spec states that native states/properties win over ARIA 
states/properties.  But, it's the opposite for roles:  ARIA roles win 
over native roles.  The details are here:

Quoting from that section:
"When a WAI-ARIA role is provided, user agents MUST use the semantic of 
the WAI-ARIA role for processing, not the native semantic, unless the 
role requires WAI-ARIA states and properties whose attributes are 
explicitly forbidden on the native element by the host language."

> So the question is
> should aria-autocomplete:none override value provided by input
> control?

The <input> in the test file has role="combobox".  That role wins over 
the <input type="text">, and, in fact, the accessible in the a11y tree 
has a role of combobox.  If the author has further explicitly declared 
this combobox as having no autocompletion, why does the <input>'s native 
autocompletion have any influence here?


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 17:30:42 UTC