Re: Spelling feedback for FPWD: WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1

> Important: When embedding WAI-ARIA markup in (X) HTML, all WAI-ARIA states and properties must be preceded with the characters aria- with the exception of the role and tabindex attributes. Otherwise, the user agent will not map the WAI-ARIA information, resulting in it not being recognized by assistive technologies.

You have a stray space after `(X)`

> When embedding WAI-ARIA into other host languages, tabindex does not carry over. The WAI-ARIA tabindex extensions are specific to (X)HTML to repair deficiencies in keyboard support.

> Commented out link to conference paper, which a) was broken, and b) we should have more canonical references than conference papers for things like this.

I don't see the paper, nor is the link present in:

also, there should be more anchors in this section, if only to each
numbered step.

> Example 5
>     DOM_VK_ENTER = 13;

why aren't you using event.DOM_VK_ENTER ??

> You must also show the visual focus for each element that has focus.

the sample code should have:

updateFocusRing(buttonid); // This is an author defined function -- as
a reminder…

>        oldMenuItem.className="unselected";

supporting ie6 seems like a lost cause. -- In china, it's <5%

modern content should use node.classList as described in:

> Support basic accessibility, such as alternative text on images

> Using our example:

This should indicate the example # and link to it…

> If you structure your Document Object Model appropriately so that the user agent can determine this information from it using the DOM hierarchy directly, you do not need to set these properties.

this shouldn't be where you introduce DOM, you shouldn't need to spell
it out here.

> If you have hard coded your font size in pixels an increase in system fonts will not be reflected in your Web application.

fonts => font size

> (An em is a the [sic] font unit of measure between the top and bottom of an upper case letter M.).

probably drop `a`, but really the sentence is full of errors.

> Use scripting for run time CSS positioning of widget sub-components in relation to other sub components.


> The use of percentages and em should be used for specifying widths of a widget and the widget sub components.

use of … should be used [sic]

> Test with User agent, Assistive Technology, and People with disabilities

either User Agent or user agent, not User agent (you tend to use `user agent`)

> The model for keyboard support for Web 2.0 widgets are graphical user interface (GUI) operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X; and other desktop operating systems like GNOME and GTK.

GTK isn't a desktop operating system.

> The element with keyboard focus is essential because it communicates information about the widget to assistive technologies like screen readers and magnifiers through operating specific accessibility APIs like Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA), the Apple AX APIs, and the ATK Accessibility Toolkit.

ATK is Accessibility Toolkit, it should be:

Accessibility Toolkit (ATK)

(possibly w/ an X11 or similar prefix)

> Authors can use either the JavaScript focus() method to move focus to the appropriate element in the widget,

Technically that's a DOM method.

> If SHIFT+TAB is pressed, focus moves to the last radio button in the group, but the radio button remains unchecked.

Normally you don't write in all-caps

> Space Bar

Normally you haven't used `bar` here (typically probably `key` -- yes,
i know it's a bar)

> assuming none of the radio buttons is checked

is => are

(i.e. all are unchecked)

> As soon as the first or the last radio button receives focus it changes the tabindex value of the other radio button to -1.

add a `,` before `it`

> Editor's Note
> Todo: should you discuss what happens when the user tabs to the radio group and no button is checked?

i think that's mentioned in "Description of Radio Group Behavior" for
"Tab Key" …

> It is essential that application vendors maintain a valid format for aria-valuenow, and aria-valuenow should accurately represent the value of the widget.The value must be within range

space after `.`

> Originally implemented in Internet Explorer 5, the feature has been extended to Opera, Gecko-based user agents such as Firefox, and WebKit-based user agents such as Safari.

Opera is unfortunately no longer a single rendering engine. In
context, you mean Presto (you could indicate version numbers).

> Positive - tabindex="X" (where X is a positive integer between 1 and 32768)

32768 is almost certainly wrong. "c - Why the range of int is -32768
to 32767? - Stack Overflow"

> Modern browsers now support an activeElement property on the document object to get the focused element.

`now` is really unhelpful for long lived documents, please replace
with `as of {year|event}`

> which older versions of IE treat like :focus)

please define `older` using a range (i.e. specific numbers)

> IE doesn't implement CSS outlines

what version(s)?

> For example, create a custom scrollIntoView() method that is called at various times, including coincidence with the setting of the aria-activedescendant property.
> The method takes a DOM node argument, say "n". Here is the high level algorithm:

the algorithm needs to check "is object fixed positioned" before:

> adjust scrollTop and scrollLeft for the ancestor nodes of n such that that the region of the ancestors which n consumes is visible.

> Understanding how the DOM scrollIntoView works across browsers is important. Browsers (including Firefox3)

Typically that's written as `Firefox 3`, but really, do you need to
document something that shipped in… 2008? Admittedly, that isn't a
decade ago, but it's more than half a decade ago.

> force the node either to the top or the bottom of the screen (as defined by the single Boolean parameter) even if its [sic] already in view.


> Different browsers handle right-to-left completely differently.

Different … differently. -- yeah

> Singleton Mode: acts as a toggle either selecting or deselecting the date.
> Pressing Space again deselects the previous selections and selects the current focused date.
> Space selects the radio button with focus and de-selects other radio buttons in the group.
> When the de-selection occurs, such as when a multi-select item is de-selected or a user moves to a new tab and de-select the old tab, the author should ensure that the visible selection of the de-selected item is removed.

Please decide if `deselect*` is in your dictionary. if it is, please
use it consistently, if it isn't, please do not use it at all.

> 4.2.6 Author-Defined Keyboard Short-Cuts [sic] or Mnemonics

Shortcut is a word

> Therefore, if you needed [sic] to use accesskey, you should be aware that it will behave differently in


there's a stray newline here in the middle of your sentence

> different browsers.

> It also may not work with small devices so it is still advisable to ensure that all features are accessible with the basic keys like Tab/Shift+Tab, arrow, Enter, Space and Escape.

arrow => arrows | arrow keys

> The XHTML 2 Working Group is currently developing a new Access Module to address this issue and we hope to have it or a feature like it in future versions of (X)HTML.

What does currently mean here? the link goes to a TR Note document dated 2010
> This was the W3C's home page for the XHTML2 Working Group, which was chartered in March 2007 (see news) until December 2010.
> This Working Group is now closed.

> <html lang="en-us"">

stray `"`

> The following code snippet from the iCITA site shows the use of a onfocus="tooltipShow();" function to display the tooltip when focus is placed on an element.
^ spells capital with an `o` as in:
«Password must be at least 8 character long and contain at least one
capitol letter and a number»

It's also a PITA to get to that because it runs away. Tooltips are evil.

> The user moves the point of focus from widget to widget using tab/shift tab, mnemonics, or accelerators, keyboard commands which are usually provided by the application or the operating system.

or the accessibility agent (e.g. a screen reader which is often not
the OS itself, and can frequently be a third party application)

> Also, browsers make use of a feature called the contenteditable attribute, which will be incorporated into HTML 5.

html5 was published. either contenteditable made it or it didn't,
since your document is being published after, it should be updated to
know the answer.

> Unlike an application, your Web page is unlikely to start out as either of these two roles but rather the author is most likely to dynamically create dialogs or alertdialog sections within the Web page.

don't mix `your application` (second person) with `the author` (third person)

> Other examples include:
>    a row in a grid (a row is a specialized group representing a row in a grid);
>    a group of children in a tree widget forming a collection of siblings in a hierarchy; or
>    a group of items having the same container in a directory

i'd expect `.`

> When constructing a grid or treegrid the author must use gridcells for the actual cells:

the space after `grid ` is included in the link-- it shouldn't be…

> Unlike table cells within a table, authors should ensure a grid's gridcells are focusable through the use of tabindex (in HTML), or aria-activedescendant on the grid.They may also be editable, as is shown in the above example.

missing ` ` after `.`

> A new feature of WAI-ARIA is the ability to associate descriptive text with a section, drawing, form element, picture, and so on using the aria-describedby property.

As noted earlier, `new` should indicate `as of {when|event}`

> then focus does not have to be set but the keypress event must must [sic] be stopped.

>  If the keypress is an Escape key and the target node is the container node for the dialog box, then close the dialog box and hide or destroy the dialog underlay.

you might want to undo the keyhandler too…

> Here is a pseudo code onkeypress handler for a modal dialog box.

it could be indented…

important, but not today

Received on Tuesday, 9 June 2015 17:21:16 UTC