Re: Spelling feedback for FPWD: WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1

> Page Up/Page Down selects the next/previous pages item depending on the lists size.

lists => list's

> Typing a letter (printable character) key moves focus to the next instance of a visible node whose title begins with that printable letter.

Not necessarily, for long lists, typing "Un" might take you to "United
Kingdom" instead of "Uganda" and then "Namibia"

> If the combobox is not editable it must have have aria-readonly = true .

stray space before `.`

> However, should the author wish to uses a div or span to represent the cells then the DOM structure for a table is duplicated with rows marked with role="row."

The markup at the end of this line is bad.

> Keyboard navigation on days that are not included the currently displayed month should move to the month automatically and lead to the day in the next or previous month.

not included the => not included in the

> When the dialog is closed or cancelled focus should return to the element in the application which had focus before the dialog is invoked.

There should be a `,` before the first `focus`

> When a modal dialog opens focus goes to the first focusable item in the dialog.

There should be a `,` before the first `focus`
> See Dialog (Modal).

The period isn't part of the link.
> See Dialog (Modal).

The period is part of the link.

please be consistent (note that I generally only flag things once,
you're expected to review the entire document based on my feedback,
not just the instance where I'm flagging).

> A drag and drop operation can occur in contexts that support selection of objects, including single and multiple selection models.

I'm not sure the `,` belongs

> The connection between gridcell and header can be achieved using standard HTML attribute header.

there's an article (`a`, `the`) or a plural marker (`s`) missing here

> The first Tab into the grid moves focus to the first cell of the first row.

You should note that `Tab` includes Shift+Tab…

> Home moves the focus to the first cell of the current row.
> End moves the focus to the last cell in the current row.
> Page Up moves the focus to the first cell in the current column
> Page Down moves the focus to the last cell in the current column

you're missing some `.`s

> Enter or F2 pressed while focus is on a cell containing an actionable item enters Actionable Mode (see following).

This should include a link

> Actionable Mode (Interactive) allows interaction with other objects that might be found in the grid cells such as edit fields, links, menu buttons, and so on.

This should have heading markup and an anchor (as should the previous
section's heading)

> An example of a grid whose headers are sortable in either ascending or descending order based on the name in the grid column headers.

This first paragraph in Description: doesn't match the pattern of
previous items.

> 2.9 Date Picker§
> 2.10 Dialog (Modal) §

Some of your items include a trailing space, some don't, please lose the space.
Also, for some reason triple clicking a section selects a `§`, which
means that copying and then searching doesn't find the item in the
ToC, which is annoying. Please fix this.
> Simply pressing the space bar while focus is on a row or column header toggles the ascending/descending sort of the corresponding row or column.

There should be 3 states: unsorted, sorted ASC, and sorted DESC
> Description: {empty}
> Keyboard Interaction: {empty}


> Editor's Note
> Add link to example


> When a screen reader user navigates the options in a list box, each static option name is spoken by the screen reader is a single piece of information.

there's an implied `that` before the first `is`, I'd encourage you to
make it explicit -- alternatively, you could change the last `is` to
`as` -- that would mean something slightly different.

> Most screen reader users will not have a simple way of re-reading through the option name by character, word, or phrase if they did not understand it.

Is this correct? I was working on a screen reader, but I never
actually played with this edge case.
(A survey of current screen readers would be helpful for things like this)

> (Editor's note: examples are not yet coded.)

This isn't in green.

> Authors should also avoid creating a large number of consecutive options that all start with the same word or phrase. Otherwise, finding a specific option can be very time consuming for a screen reader user who must listen to the repeated word or phrase while scrolling through the list. For example, if a listbox contains a list of cities where each option includes both city name and country name, and if there are 5 or more cities from each country, it would be very difficult for a screen reader user to find a city within a country if the country name precedes the city name in each option. In most cases, it would be better to have 2 list boxes, one for country and one for city, but where that is not feasible, it would typically be better to put the city name first in each option.

This advice isn't horrible, but it might be worth mentioning <optgroup> …

> Type-ahead is recommended for all lists and required for long lists

I mentioned type-ahead earlier, it's probably worth having a section
that talks about it so that you can link to it from multiple places…

> Type multiple characters in rapid succession:
You need to have a note about timeouts/timers and "rapid" --
specifically, they're bad in accessibility contexts. I got a fairly
major bug fixed relating to such timeouts in one vendor's
implementation (the interaction involved an onscreen keyboard with a
screen reader -- it's virtually impossible in most such
implementations to "type" "rapidly").

> Shift+F10: opens the context menu for the currently focused option if a context menu is available

Missing `.`

> Control+Shift+End: select the option with focus and all options down to the end of the list.
> Control+/: select all options

Missing `.`

See comments on #landmarks

> Sometimes a menu item will launch a dialog box. This is indicated using "…" (ellipsis) at the end of the menu item label. An example is "Save as …".

See my earlier comments -- this is not what `…` mean.

> Enter, Space, and the up down arrow keys opens the menu and places focus on the first menu item in the opened menu or child menu bar.

you're missing a `/` (or other punctuation) near `up down`

> Left or right arrow keys move focus to the adjacent menu bar item.

I'm not sure you mean this. If you do, it's underspecified and highly ambiguous.
1. you should discuss wrapping
2. it's best to indicate that left goes left/right goes right -- or
something like that.
3. left and right aren't marked up (unlike up/down).

> For menus presented vertically

This isn't particularly clear. You should clarify that this is:

[menu bar -- File … ]
  Menu for File:

> Escape or the Left Arrow key closes the submenu and returns focus to the parent menu item.

1. You don't mention what the Right arrow does.
2. You don't cover BiDi

> Typing a letter (printable character) key moves focus to the next instance of a visible node whose title begins with that printable letter.

This doesn't discuss type-ahead (see earlier)

> With focus on a menu item and a sub menu opened via mouse behavior, pressing up arrow moves focus to the last item in the sub menu.

I don't think this is properly indented (it doesn't match what i'd
expect for this level)

> menuitemcheckbox and menuitemradio set aria-checked to "true" when checked.
> If a menu item is disabled then set aria-disabled to "true"

Missing `.`

> Since the separator is not navigable it does not support the aria-expanded state.

Missing `,` before `it`

Received on Monday, 8 June 2015 19:31:38 UTC