Comment on WAI-ARIA 1.1


I would propose the following changes:

1.      Roles: grid, listbox, list: There could be situations where these widgets / structures are empty (see also UL or OL lists in HTML). Similar to HTML possibility to note an empty list, it should be valid for these roles to omit any child roles elements for empty objects. Both informations are important: that an object is a list and that this list (or grid - for lists with column information) is empty.

2.      Property: setsize: to spare the loading time, this property shoul be moved to parents of currently defined owner roles - listbox, tree, tablist. The size information of completely displayed list-like objects is normaly extracted from the DOM by counting the children of the container elements. Besides, we should add also grid and treegrid roles to the list of owner roles for the setsize property: it is often the case, that long lists of data are partially displayed in these widgets.

3.      Property: posinset: according to 2. Row should be added to the list of roles with the possibility to use this property.

With kind regards     Mario Batusic

Mario Batusic
Fabasoft Accessibility
Fabasoft Cloud UI Team<>

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Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 12:56:20 UTC