ARIA host language and SVG

On Monday, March 30, 2009, 9:25:37 PM, Michael wrote:

MC>  As you know, Accessible Rich Internet Applications 1.0 is in
MC> Last Call. Janina Sajka, chair of PFWG, and I have identified your
MC> Working Group as one from which we would particularly like
MC> feedback. Would you be able to have your group take a look at the
MC> spec and let us know if you have any feedback? The comment
MC> deadline is 17 April 2009 (extended from the originally announced
MC> deadline). If you need more time we can probably accommodate you;
MC> please let me know so we can plan for it. Please send comments to
MC> The ARIA Last Call Working Draft is
MC> located at http://localhost/TR/2009/WD-wai-aria-20090224/.

Hey Michael,

One request for help and one last call comment:
1) Your message prompts me to ask about ARIA, host language conformance,
and the role attribute in SVG 1.2Tiny

while reading

as far as I can see, the SVG 1.2T role attribute conforms to the ARIA
host language conformance, but I would value a second opinion on that.

2) I see that there is an appendix with sample DTD and W3C XML Schema
implementations, but no RNG implementation; I suggest that one be
added. An increasing number of languages are being defined in RNG.

 Chris Lilley          
 Technical Director, Interaction Domain
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 20:01:29 UTC