- From: Thomas Logan <tlogan@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 10:27:17 +0100
- To: <public-pfwg-comments@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <001c01c91ef0$e8bdb1a0$ba3914e0$@com>
Document Reviewed: Accessible Rich Internet <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-wai-aria-20080806/> Applications Version 1.0 Issue 1: Section 2.1 and 2.2 use role checkbox being set on a span as an example. This goes against other recommendations in ARIA documentation to use base HTML element if one is available. I understand the need to be succinct so maybe call it out as an example only or switch to an element that does not exist in HTML 4 such as slider. Issue 2: Section 2.5 under Build Relationships. There needs to be more guidance around using the controls property and the various live region properties. With all of the properties that are available there is a duplication of information. Issue 3: Section 2.5 support full, usable keyboard navigation. This might be a good place to plug the currently accessible JavaScript toolkits. They should be doing that work so developer doesn't have to. Issue 4: Section 2.6 building a tree widget. Somewhere in the example it should be called out that component authors also must display visual focus for the individual items that become focused. Issue 5: Section 2.6 Create JavaScript support to control the event driven behavior of the application does not seem to refer to anything. Issue 6: Section 4.1.1 The term Parent Role: is confusing in documentation because parent seems to refer to the tree hierarchy of the DOM. Why not refer to the concept as the BaseClass Roles? Also Child Roles why not SubClassed Roles? Issue 7: Section 4.1.4 The term Base Concept currently corresponds to HTML. If there are other BaseConcept examples then would be good to have example in Spec. How is this property envisioned to be used? Is it for component developers to know where to inherit from? Issue 8: Section 4.2.2 is supposed to read role:requiredState . Issue 9: Section 4.2.5 When multiple required children are indicated, either of them are permitted. That statement does not seem very strong. It would be good to give an example. I believe there are cases where when multiple required children are indicated, all of them must be in tree. For example a combo box. Issue 10: Section 4.2.8 childrenArePresentation could use an example. Issue 11: Section 4.3 To assist with the spec being finalized I suggest you add the official number of properties in each section. For example in 4.3 you could write "There are 17 Global States and Properties in (WAI-ARIA) Version 1.0. Issue 12: Section 4.4 I suggest you add information "There are 60 roles available in WAI-ARIA 1.0". Future versions of WAI-ARIA will contain new roles. For the time begin if no role matches your component please use "..." Issue 13: In general guidance should be included to test with users with disabilities to ensure that you set the correct role and states/properties. Maybe add a Step 8 to Section 2.5 Issue 14: Section 4.4.1 Why not make a table row for each role that specifies Required Children rather than calling out in preceding paragraph? Issue 15: Section 4.4.1 Would be good to have general guidance for Button role to indicate that action was performed. What event can be used to know button was activated? Issue 16: Section 4.4.1 The distinction between the roles group and region based on if the information would be included in summary to assistive technology would be difficult for non AT experienced developer. The information about using group to put logical collections together is a good explanation. Issue 17: Section 4.4.1 When to use a description? Issue 18: Section 5.2 Add there are 10 States in WAI-ARIA Version 1. Issue 19: Section 5.2 Add there are 24 Properties in WAI-ARIA Version 1. Issue 20: Status of document section: You link to the old Best Practices Guide http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-wai-aria-20080806/ Should link to the new one http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-practices/ Questions Question 1: In Section 2.2, is IE 8 planning to support CSS attribute selectors? Question 2: Has role presentation been tested with ATs? Question 3: The document says "Authors SHOULD capture changes to the activedescendant property, which can occur if the AT sets focus directly." Is there a code example for this?
Received on Friday, 26 September 2008 09:00:42 UTC