Re: APA Personalization Task Force Teleconference - Monday Monday 7, 2022 Agenda

Hi all,

Minutes can be found at and are repeated below in text form.

Best regards,


                             – DRAFT –
                  Personalization Task Force and EOWG

07 March 2022

   [2]IRC log.



          Brent, BrianE, CarlosD, CharlesL, Estella, janina,
          kevin, krisanne, LauraK, Lionel_Wolberger, lisas,
          MarkPalmer, Matthew_Atkinson, mike_beganyi, Roy, sharon,
          shawn, Sylvie



          janina, Matthew_Atkinson, Matthew_Atkinson:


Meeting minutes

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: First, should we meet next
   week (some of us are out at CSUN)?

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: Suggest skipping. I will follow up
   with i18n re #144.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: Anyone against skipping?

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: On main discussion.
   Refernce GitHub thread: [3]



   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: The first module is called
   Personalization Semantics Content Module 1.0

   <CharlesL> [4]



   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: Think we're coming up with a name
   for the series. Currently we have only one module on the way to
   CR, but we anticipate a series.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: The work is exciting and
   ambitious. Started off with the intent of being in ARIA. Lisa
   is here and would like to hear from her on how this work got

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: Started with the Semantic Web
   Accessibility Platform, an RDF layer on top of content that
   enabled it to be more easily manipulated. Was also trying to
   solve the problem for JavaScript. Worked with Rich (IBM) and
   Aaron (Google). JavaScript and Cognitive accessibility were
   both big problems.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: We decided to work first on the
   JavaScript side of things, and with a focus on accessibility
   for blind people. The approach went in the direction of mapping
   properties to OS accessibility APIs. Adding additional
   markup/semantics for what elements mean didn't fit in with this

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: Work along those lines was drafted in
   COGA, then moved around, including to ARIA and here in APA.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: Realised we needed a prefix [for our
   attributes], we had 'coga' at one point, but wanted to open
   this up to as many people as possible, and went for 'aui'
   (possibly relating to automation). But current approach for now
   is using data-* attributes. We need to decide on a prefix for
   final implementation.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: This relates to the markup, though
   we are looking for what we would call all three of the modules.
   One suggestion was 'Personalizable Adaptations: <module name>
   Module'. We also previously had 'Personalized Adaptations:'. We
   are really looking for what's to the left of the colon.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: Authoring/tooling can handle
   whatever the prefix is decided/has to be. We're looking for a
   brand that can be used for all our modules.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: Important to frame the
   deep impact that we feel that adding semantics at the element
   level will have (ACK John Foliot for this phrase which sums up
   the fundamentals of what we're doing).

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: Our goal is to provide
   cognitive aids, or context, in many ways, many that we haven't
   thought of yet. e.g. elements coudl be decorated with symbols
   that explain their purpose/meaning.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: Words that have come across included:
   adpative, semantics. A really important one is 'inclusive' -
   we're allowing people who were completely excluded to be part
   of the mix.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: In some cases, it's a significant
   improvement for a wide range of people. Other use cases are
   giving people a voice that they've never had (people using
   specific AAC symbol sets, e.g.) This can really change these
   groups' life experience. Someone who's had a brain
   injury/stroke, and can't use words. What we're giving them is
   the web, even if the language centers in their brain have been

   <shawn> From Jade "either we use this chance to come up with an
   acronym which has real meaning, and this is an advantage.
   Otherwise whatever we come up with runs the risk of having an
   acronym forced on it, so people will just turn it into an
   acronym if it's a long phrase (and it might end up being a bad
   one!)" <[5]



   <Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask about html and acronyms. and
   asks a pause for people to read about audience [6]https://


   <Matthew_Atkinson> shawn: Highlight from the GH thread. If we
   don't provide an acronym, people will make up their own.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> shawn: Is there going to be a prefix in
   HTML, like ARIA?

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: Yes. Will ask WHATWG for a prefix
   after CR. We're using data-* for now.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> shawn: So does it make sense to have an
   acronym for what we are going to call this?

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: That may be hard, not sure where
   there is a complete list of prefixes.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: Also not sure that it really
   matters, as this isn't going to be evident to users.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> CharlesL: Even ARIA has 'role' as well as
   the 'aria-*' attributes.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> shawn: If I'm a new coder, though, and I see
   the prefix, I'm going to search for it in my browser. So not an
   absolute requirement, but coudl be valuable.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: [Summarizing from GH]
   Noting the point that we're not trying to play the acronym
   game, but it could be helpful to have a good one.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> CharlesL: MathML Refresh WG has an attibute
   up and coming that allows the author to specify the intent of
   an equation (as the same equation may have different meanings).

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Question about audience: [7]https://


   Matthew_Atkinson: Post linked above asks who's this named for?
   Qui bono?

   Matthew_Atkinson: suggests they may help us narrow down

   Matthew_Atkinson: Recalls EO call conversation that we may want
   to avoid referring to a natural acronym, so as not to just
   devolve into qan acronym, but a nice acronym will make an easy

   Matthew_Atkinson: Hope was to make the meaning behind the
   acronym more understandable

   Matthew_Atkinson: I'd love it if the prefix matched, but it
   shouldn't be a showstopper

   <Matthew_Atkinson> kevin: I wonder if an acronym is necessary?
   If we're trying to convey some of the meaning of what the spec
   is for/does, then we could use a short word to refer to
   whatever's on the left of the colon (the parent name for the
   modules) and avoid tying ourselves in knots trying to come up
   with acronyms.

   <Zakim> kevin, you wanted to ask if we really need an acronym?

   <shawn> [ shawn notes if have only one or two words, then less
   likely that people will make an acronym ]

   <Matthew_Atkinson> kevin: The idea of finding an acroynm that
   matches a word... could be useful, but if the acronym you're
   trying to work to behind the scenes doesn't work then it isn't
   helpful. If the acronym itself doesn't mean anything, then it's
   not useful.

   <kevin> +1 to Shawn's thought

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: I found that, when
   evangelizing Personalization, just saying 'Personalization'
   didn't help. Why is this? People tend to equate it with
   'identiy' or a persona.

   <janina> Wikipedia defines Personalization: [8]https://


   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: But 'personal' is also
   powerful because it's your personal choices and, as lisas said,
   it's about what _you_ need. Could be situational disability or
   barrier (e.g. migraine).

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: The UA is there to give
   you agency and help you access the web. That's the
   device/entity that understands you.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: E.g. it will convey all
   kinds of things, incl dark/light mode etc.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> ... and perhaps should do more.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Brent: I don't have research on this, but if
   you have something that's three words or longer, no matter what
   those words are, people will try to use the words in an
   acronym, becuase they won't want to say all three words. I like
   what kevin was saying, if we could pick up on one or two words,
   then it may be shorter to say that/those than the acronym.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Brent: So if we're chosing something that's
   longer than two words, we need to wisely, something that can be
   proncounced as an acronym, and understood.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Brent: I like 'adaptable', 'personalizable',
   'content' (which lead me to the last comment in the GH issue -

   7#issuecomment-1060776142 at the time of scribing).


   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: When I described this to Francis West
   [spelling? -scribe], she said 'You can tailor it to billions of
   markets of one'. This was an interesting way of looking at it.
   I think if we could capture the value proposition in the name,
   and make that link in people's minds, that would be very
   strong. The value is you can reach that individual user as if
   you were making something for them.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: My last post 

   issues/7#issuecomment-1059103157 ] came from discussion outside
   of the thread. Wondering about, in parallel to ARIA, what do we
   have here - an application?


   <Matthew_Atkinson> becky: suggests 'customization' HT Brent

   Matthew_Atkinson: Recalls we liked "Adaptable Personalization"

   Matthew_Atkinson: Looking for feedback on what we think about
   our audience? Who are they? How to express the value
   proposition? Can we address that at this naming level?

   <Matthew_Atkinson> +1 to lisas' point above about what the
   value is

   +1 to "personalizable." It's accurate

   <Matthew_Atkinson> kevin: Distinction between 'personalization'
   and 'personalizable' - you need a layer on top of the content
   to provide the personalization.

   <lisas> what about: inclusive personlisable semantics

   <Matthew_Atkinson> kevin: Audience is an interesting question;
   there are a number of audiences. Developers (e.g. of CMSs);
   content authors (because it's content-specific); UA plugin
   developers; UA authors.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> kevin: People who are aware of this
   technology for their own use would be aware of it.

   <Zakim> kevin, you wanted to comment on 'personalization'
   versus 'personalizable', comment on audiences

   <Matthew_Atkinson> kevin: The value statement is we can take
   our content, mark it up and provide different approaches to
   presentation without much difficulty. E.g. easy-read versions
   of policies. This is an attractive proposition. Broad audience,
   which is good, but a rabbit hole in terms of naming options.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: I would like us to not overthink
   audience, as we could easily set our expectations far too low.
   As kevin was talking about, we have a kerb cut technology here,
   and we don't know our audience.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> janina: We couldn't've prediced, e.g., the
   world going so solidly into emojis.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: If this takes off then a very
   important user group would be the end users. If you have a
   bunch of content where one adapts to you and the others don't,
   that's really important to you. It needs to be 'personalization
   enabled'. I need to know I can go there and my UA will work.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> lisas: If it takes off, the biggest group of
   users will be end users.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: The word 'inclusive' is
   important, and we haven't discussed it much. It talks about
   being stronger together.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: It would be great if the
   name sold itself. It's not just another markup.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: We want to be able to tell
   stories around this, and feel we can get publicity behind this.
   Game changing as well as huge kerb cut.

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: Much like closed captions
   (used in many scenarios).

   <Matthew_Atkinson> Lionel_Wolberger: Would be good if the name
   could argue for the importance of the spec. Inclusive
   personalization or inclusive adaptation language?

   <shawn> brainstorming:

   <shawn> * Enabling Personalization: XYZ

   <shawn> * Personalizable Content: XYZ

   Matthew_Atkinson: Personalizable Adaptation feels weird even
   though it's technically accurate

   <shawn> * Personalizable Adaptations: XYZ

   Matthew_Atkinson: Not sure it's even a word

   Matthew_Atkinson: Like that we're creating a brand

   Matthew_Atkinson: Does the name of the spec have to be the name
   of the brand? Is that desirable? I like Lisa's
   'personalization-enabled' concept but is that the same, or a
   separate thing. Is the spec a subset of the brand, maybe with a
   more technical name, or is it unified with the brand.

   <Brent> Inclusive Content Enabled (ICE)

   CharlesL: Really like the idea from Lisa about badging content
   to make it clear it will adapt to your needs. Can we integrate
   this with the spec somehow? Need to come up with the right name
   for that, but words like 'inclusive', 'personalizable' sound
   like a good fit.

   <kevin> [Content My Way]

   <kevin> +1 on inclusive being extremely broad

   shawn: Following up on this... enabling
   personalization/personalizable content. 'Inclusive' is such a
   broad concept, but perhaps could be used with 'personzliation'
   or 'adaptation'

   janina: PC - personalized content?; PA - has a well-known
   meaning in disability (personal assistant).

   <kevin> [Digital Personalization Assistant]

   Lionel_Wolberger: in the two minutes remaining... someone who
   didn't speak yet, please...

   CarlosD: The dual nature of personalization and adaptation. Not
   sure if they should be together in the same sentance.
   Personalization is something the user can change; adaptation is
   something that is changed _for_ the user (without direct
   control). From a technical perspective they seem to be

   Lionel_Wolberger: Thanks everyone. What's the next step?
   Continuing the conversation on the GitHub thread?

   <lisas> i have a follow on call. need to drop :(

   janina: yes; want to conclude before CR

   <shawn> encourage people to put more input in [11]https://


   janina: Don't have much more time (maybe into April as opposed
   to the end of March).

   Lionel_Wolberger: could we ask EO and Personalization to give
   us three top choices?

   Brent: Three may be tricky. We could ask EO to read these
   minutes. Come back to the issue. Then provide additional
   brainstorming and we could try to filter it down.

   janina: +1

   janina: would like to stick with the W3 effort of consensus.

   shawn: Voting doesn't help take into account considerations
   such as comments made on votes. Hope we can reach consensus in
   another meeting or two, or via GitHub.

   Lionel_Wolberger: Some urgency. When's the next EO meeting?

   Brent: Friday is the next group meeting. Could put this on the
   agenda there.

   <shawn> EOWG meeting Friday 8:30 ET logistics: [12]https://


   janina: Let's not give EO a deadline; we've laid out our
   constraints, will continue to work on #144 and have an update
   in two weeks. Some of us may meet with EO in the meantime.

   Brent: We'd like to come up with options and rationale for
   them, and let you select which you feel is best.

   Lionel_Wolberger: Thanks all!

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [13]scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Matthew Tylee Atkinson (he/him)
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive

A Vispero Company

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On 07/03/2022, 07:47, "Lionel Wolberger" <> wrote:

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    Hi all,

    Special guests today, the Education and Outreach Working Group is joining us. The topic, naming our Personalization Module that is soon to be up for Candidate Review status. 

    For naming resources see


    * EO's recent calls' minutes that cover this discussion:

    Chair: Lionel

    * agenda+ Defining shortnames for the modules, with EOWG
    * agenda+ Logistics: Upcoming meetings schedule (APA this Wed, CSUN next week)
    * agenda+ Content Module Implementations Status (Follow-up on i18n issue #144)
    * agenda+ Issue 202 regarding Visible Indicators on 2.2
    * agenda+ Planning future COGA meetings on Our Other Two Modules

    The  teleconference information is at: call info - personalization <>


    * 10 am Eastern time
    * 5 pm IS
    * 3 pm UK time

    IRC access

    An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call at: <>

    The server is <> 
    The port number is 6665
    The channel is #personalization 

    You can write any name as a nickname

    Resources and useful links

    * Wiki <>; - this page has links to all our work
    * mailing list archives <>
    * Personalization Semantics 1.0 <> (Personalization Semantics 1.0 Editors' Draft <>). See also the Personalization Semantics Task Force GitHub repository <>.
    * our home page
    * Web-Based Surveys (WBS) <>;
    * personalization-semantics source repository issue tracker <>. 
    * Scribing and Participation Tips: 
    * Demo: and <>

     Lionel Wolberger
    COO, UserWay <>


Received on Monday, 7 March 2022 16:18:13 UTC