Purpose of a "submit" button?

 Hi all,

I want to ACK the point Lisa raised on last week's call [0] that there could be confusion over which is the button that pops up a login dialog (for example) and which is the button that submits the login form. I can appreciate this, though I feel that confusion could apply whether it's a button or a link that took the user to the login form. I would expect an extension acting on the user's behalf to clearly signpost the purpose of the thing that took the user to the form and the purpose of the submit button on the form (via our specified "submit" action).

However, this did make me wonder if we need a way of denoting what a "submit" button actually submits, because when the user gets there, will they still be sure? What if it's a really long form, or a sign-up process with multiple steps/forms along the way? You're all more aware of the user needs than me; was just wondering if this came up before and if it's in scope.

best regards,


[0] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/03-personalization-minutes.html#x149

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive

A Vispero Company

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