Re: Introduction

Thanks Lisa, that would be great—I'll email you off-list so we can arrange a call.

All: I discovered there was a broken link on the research page of my site (from my last post) to the Sus-IT project (Sustaining IT use by older people to promote autonomy and independence) [1]. That’s the project under which we did most of the work I mentioned that may be of personalization interest. Also I'd intended to mention Sus-IT specifically in my last email—oops! I've included a link to publications arising from the project [2] in case anyone's interested.

best regards,




Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive
A Vispero Company

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From: Lisa Seeman <>
Date: Monday, 1 March 2021 at 08:43
To: Matthew Atkinson <>
Cc: public-personalization-tf <>
Subject: Re: Introduction

Fantastic that you have joined us Matthew!
I often give new members a short orientation call. Let me know if you would like one (and some times that you are available if you do).

All the best
Lisa Seeman

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 6:33 PM Matthew Atkinson <<>> wrote:
Hello Personalization Task Force team,

I've just joined the TF, though I've been a member of APA for a couple of years now (which has been most welcoming and rewarding). I'm hoping to be a helpful member of this TF. The work you're doing is something I've been aware of and interested in for quite a while.

Here's a bit of an intro, for those of you whom I've not yet met...

I'm a senior accessibility consultant with TPGi and have experience working with WCAG in the wild, as well as an interest in areas not covered by WCAG. Before this, I was in academia and researched in areas including: adaptations as assistive technologies; using human capabilities as a way to inform adaptations; supporting older people who are facing accessibility barriers in using information/communication technology; game and document accessibility [1].

Software development is a big interest for me. I maintain a browser extension that provides keyboard navigation for landmark regions, and a historical accessible gaming/level-editing project [2]. I'm also a member of WHATWG's a11y group, though not as active as I wish time would allow, and an interested follower of W3C's Web Games Community Group.

Josh introduced me to the XR prototype, which is very cool! Having now officially joined, I'm catching up on the Personalization Semantics Content Module 1.0 and other things on which you're working, and am looking forward to attending the call next week to learn more.

best regards,




Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive<>
A Vispero Company

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Received on Monday, 1 March 2021 14:49:37 UTC