Re: [W3C Invited Experts] IE status granted for Lionel Wolberger

Hi Lionel,

Your Invited Expert have been granted, sorry for the delay.

I have added you in Personalization Task force, I am looking forward to 
working with you.




在 2021/1/29 PM9:27, 写道:
>    Dear Lionel Wolberger,
> Your application to become W3C Invited Expert in Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group has been accepted.
> You are now able to fill up the forms needed to make
> your participation in the group official at:
> Please, refer to the W3C Invited Expert identity program, to ensure your
> information is right.
> Please contact the Team Contact(s) or Chair(s) of the Group(s) should you
> encounter any difficulty in this process.
> --
> This message was sent by the W3C Invited Experts Application System
> Contact for any questions or problems

Received on Friday, 29 January 2021 13:44:16 UTC