Welcome back! tomorrow's personalization call. 4th Jan 2021!

Hi Folks

On tomorrow's call, let's go through the actions left to get to CR at
actions  <https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/actions>.
Also let's discuss what we want to achieve in other modules.
Let me know if there are other items that you would like on the agenda

*The  teleconference information is at :* *call info - personalization*


   - 10 am Eastern time
   - 5 pm IS
   - 3 pm UK time

*IRC access*

An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call at:

The server is  irc.w3.org
The port number is 6665
The channel is #personalization

You can write any name as a nickname

*Resources and useful links*

   - Wiki <https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/task-forces/personalization/wiki/>;
   - this page has links to all out work
   - mailing list archives
   - Personalization Semantics 1.0
   <https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-1.0/> (Personalization
   Semantics 1.0 Editors' Draft
   <https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/>). See also the
   Semantics Task Force GitHub repository
   - our home page
   - Web-Based Surveys (WBS) <https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/101569/>;
   - personalization-semantics source repository issue tracker
   - Scribing and Participation Tips:
   - Demo: https://github.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation and

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn <http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/>, Twitter

Received on Sunday, 3 January 2021 12:28:04 UTC