Re: Review of Content module and Explainer

Thanks, Sharon. Sounds indeed like we have i's to dot and t's to cross!

As for term usage, I'm thinking Module 1 is our latest thinking. But, we
should probably go through these.

I'm quite befuddled by the use of color. Is this some CSS? Some other
mechanism. Let me be charitable and assume we're not conveying meaning
by use of color alone, i.e. WCAG SC 1.4.1:



Sharon D Snider writes:
>    Hi all,
>    After reviewing the Content Module and Explainer I created [1]PR 196 to
>    fix a few small typos. I also had a few questions:
>    Content Module:
>    3.1.4 Values > voice-commands - [aria-pressed =
>    "true"] and [aria-pressed = "false"] are displayed in red text but in
>    all other cases in the table the text is black for the same content.
>    Should they all be red or black?
>    Explainer:
>      * Status of this document > third paragraph - Should all instances of
>        the module names match their titles of the page they link to (e.g.
>        remove “adaptable”)?  Also, the link to Adaptable tools is
>        incorrect. It goes to Help and Support. -
>    "The modules define features for specific categories of
>    personalization, including [2]Adaptable Content, [3]Adaptable Help and
>    Support and [4]Adaptable Tools."
>    Note: Module names used in Editor’s notes: Content, Help and Support,
>    and Personalization Tools
>      * 1.2 Use Case Examples links to the [5]Requirements document. Do we
>        need to review and update the requirements document for CR?
>      * 1.2.4 Example - Should the colors used in the code examples be
>        consistent?
>    For example, in 1.2.4 Example of the Explainer the examples are:
>      * the color red
>      * the personalization attribute "data-symbol=14885" is bold
>      * the word example in the title is upper-lower case, black and it is
>        not underlined
>    All examples in the Content Module are:
>      * multi-colored
>      * the personalization attribute "data-action=undo" is not bold
>      * the word example in the title is all caps, bold, the color blue,
>        and underlined
>    Regards,
>    Sharon Snider
>    IBM Design ► IBM Accessibility Leadership Team
>    (512)965-3957
>    [6] and [7]
> References
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    5.
>    6.
>    7.


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2021 09:57:58 UTC