draft response to issue 78

Here is my draft response to #78

Hi Leonie!

We agree that  authors are (hopefully) used to the idea that semantics
relate to the purpose (role) of an element, or its other characteristics
(name, state, etc.).

We think our specification is part of that. For example, the purpose of
this field is to get your email address, or the purpose of a link is to
take you to the contact us Page. Other items are characteristics, such as
if this element is critical - an extension of the semantics of saying
something is "emphasised" which is a;ready called in WCAG a semantic
element (see https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H49.html ). Similarly
Distractions give  more information on the complementary landmark.

Hope that helps , and thanks for the review

Received on Monday, 23 November 2020 14:26:01 UTC