We do not have a call today - enjoy the holiday!
All the best
Lisa Seeman
http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/, https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa
---- On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 20:06:06 +0200 lisa.seeman <lisa.seeman@zoho.com> wrote ----
I can make it.
All the best
Lisa Seeman
http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/, https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa
---- On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 18:34:45 +0200 Charles LaPierre <mailto:charlesl@benetech.org> wrote ----
Hello everyone, I wanted to ask during the meeting but forgot. Who will not be able to make next weeks call since it is a potential US holiday (Martin Luther King).
Benetech observers this holiday so I won’t be on the call. Is there others?
Charles LaPierre
Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible
Twitter: @CLaPierreA11Y
Skype: charles_lapierre