- From: John Foliot <john.foliot@deque.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 08:50:23 -0500
- To: public-personalization-tf <public-personalization-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKdCpxzaKJ1c7+ZTfT2qAPreLQ19TT5eO_iHXJfQJXMWK5kmxQ@mail.gmail.com>
A recent visit to the Bliss page uncover's this quote: How Bliss Works <http://www.blissymbolics.org/index.php/how-is-bliss-used/48-how-bliss-works> Blissymbolics makes use of core symbols (Bliss-characters), many of which are intuitive and pictographic. They can be arranged to produce Bliss-words that can represent complex and abstract, yet easy-to-understand meanings. *There are around 100 basic symbols, which can be combined endlessly to form new concepts. Nouns can be changed into verbs or adjectives with the addition of an indicator, and there are also simple past and future tenses.* I have some questions/concerns about how this will work with regard to mark-up language (HTML) and our discussion regarding data-symbol. Additionally, I have an outstanding concern that we are "picking winners and losers" here, which is something that the W3C has studiously avoided over the years: Images: .gif *AND *.jpg *AND *.png *AND *.svg Captions: WebVTT *AND *TTML Metadata: RDF *AND *RDFa *AND *Microdata For example, we have already seen an example that references more than one symbol set (the other being the Wordnet set), and so I will suggest that any solution we come forward with support multiple sets, and not just one. For our call perhaps? JF -- *John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good deque.com
Received on Monday, 20 May 2019 13:51:20 UTC