Re: problem with data-

I can't provide a definitive answer. However, I suggest those two
statements are a bit confused on their face.

Statement 1 refers to "... private to the page or application."

Statement 2 refers to "software that is independent of the site."

So we have the terms "application" and "software." I suggest those are
essentially synonymous. That leaves us with the question of what
"independent" means.

So, my conclusion becomes we're OK. We're consuming the web site in a
user appropriate manner. Imo, that's not an "independent" use.

Just my two cents (American).


Lisa Seeman writes:
> Folks, are we braking the html standard by using data- attributes?
> I quote
> "
> are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements.
> These attributes are not intended for use by software that is independent of the site that uses the attributes.
> "
> >From w3c schools (IE out in the wieled...)
> "
> Note: Custom attributes prefixed with "data-" will be completely ignored by the user agent."
> In pother words we are going against how dat- is intended to be used.
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Monday, 11 March 2019 15:20:50 UTC