The APA Personalization Task Force Teleconference - Monday 9th December 2019

Hello everyone,

Information for Monday's call


agenda+ Continue distractions (see list thread at Re: Action #12 - review of distraction<>)
agenda+ Explainer<> (see list thread at Draft Edit: We need personalization because...<>)

The  teleconference information is at : call info - personalization<>

10 am Eastern time
5 pm IS
3 pm UK time

IRC access
An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call. (The server is<> ,The port number is 6665 )

IRC made simple:
IRC is like our chat room. You can join us on IRC simply by clicking on

The channel is #personalization
You can write any name as a nickname

Now you can chat while we talk.

Resources and useful links

* Some helpful Scribing and Participation Tips

- For more on W3C use of IRC see:

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2019 19:27:02 UTC