testing discussion

Hi Folks

Here is a starting point for the testing discussion


1.Test pages in German and Swedish. They can be based on the "how to make a cup of tea" page that Ori showed us but clearly translated. See  https://mycult-5c18a.firebaseapp.com/  We would need to remove the pictures which serve a similar purpose. Or we may prefer a different page that is less easy to read. 

2. Methodology. Peter and Cordula - can you supply this?

3 What to test? I suggest we test:

-The page without symbols. 

-The page with automatically inserted symbols such as by machine learning via the IBM engine.

-The page with bliss symbols based on the codes inserted manually. 

-The page with symbols that the user prefers based on the codes inserted manually and a mapping file

4.  What we are measuring?  I think we need to test

1. efficiency - are the instructions understood - we will need questions to test this

2. satisfaction/mood  -This can be tested via a mood bar and smiles used before and after the page is read( such as five progressive similes for the user to select such as   )

3. effectiveness- the improvement of how well the instructions were understood. how many errors were made

5. Suggestions from the users/ peer researchers on what else should help

This could be repeated on two groups. 

1. Swedish symbol users

2 German-speaking users who are not used to symbols but have cognitive impairment.

Please let me know what you think

All the best

All the best

Lisa Seeman

http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/, https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa

Received on Monday, 19 August 2019 13:50:12 UTC