Re: Logs

+1 to the new semantics

A log is strongly associated with the logging of events in an operating
system or of lower level events which take place during software execution


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:26 AM, Sharon D Snider <>

> Hi all,
> I've been reviewing the Logs section and had the following thoughts that I
> wanted to run by the group before making changes in GitHub:
>    1. I was thinking it would be clearer if we changed *log* to s
>    *tepindicator*, which is similar to a term used in WCAG examples (see
>    approach 4) they call it a step-by-step indicator.
>    2. Remove *actiontaken* and use *status* instead with values of
>    *completed *(step is done), *current* (step the user is on), or *null* (haven't
>    gotten to the step yet). *actiontaken* shouldn't be needed because the
>    aria-label + status would already indicate the action that was taken.
> In the following example, the user would be booking a trip that has 4
> steps. The first step is complete, the second step is currently the one
> they are working on, and the remaining steps are null because they have not
> been completed yet.
> <div aui-stepindicator="book trip">
>         <div aui-status="complete" aria-label="select flight" aui-step="1"
> aui-steplocation="uri" />
>         <div aui-status="current" aria-label="book hotel" aui-step="2"
> aui-steplocation="uri" />
>         <div aui-status="" aria-label="book car" aui-step="3"
> aui-steplocation="uri" />
>         <div aui-status="" aria-label="purchase trip" aui-step="4"
> steplocation="uri">
> </div>
> Regards,
> Sharon Snider
> IBM Research ► IBM Accessibility
> (512)965-3957 <(512)%20965-3957>
> and

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 01:09:51 UTC