RE: proposal that we make an additional way to add the vocabulary

You can essentially do this in JS by calling in an appropriate JSON file, parsing the JSON and injecting the parsed data into the DOM. The only differentiating factor, unless I am misunderstanding this suggestion, is that the <aui-context> element would be readily available in the DOM.


From: lisa.seeman <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 5:10 AM
To: public-personalization-tf <>
Subject: proposal that we make an additional way to add the vocabulary

Hi Folks

This is a proposal is that we make an additional way to add the vocabulary into content using external files.
In other words we should have a way to add the vocabulary into the dom but also have a way via an external file.

External code


<aui-context for="" value="contactUs">

or some owl/rdf equivalent or a json version
or both....

json example{
easyLang:"email us or phone us"

we also need a  a way for the webpage to identify the file that this is saved in.  such as the link attribute in the page header
<link rel="aui" scr="myauifile.html>

and a way to add files that are made by third parties to be linked too


one line in the external linked to file adds the annotation for every occurrence on every page... (<aui-context for="" value="contactUs">) making it much easier
third parties can add the annotations - such as NGO's. This maybe  realy important for our end user
accessibility can be added over the cloud
sites do not need to have full by in etc.
(we could expand it to the full accessibility aria vocabulary relatively easily making accessibility over the cloud reality)

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn<>, Twitter<>

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2018 00:15:14 UTC