+1 agreed. These are important additions.
> On Dec 13, 2017, at 10:10 PM, Thaddeus Cambron <inclusivethinking@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1
> I think these are important items and i think consistency is also good.
> Best,
> Thad
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 7:17 AM, lisa.seeman <lisa.seeman@zoho.com <mailto:lisa.seeman@zoho.com>> wrote:
> I spent the afternoon cross checking our terms and WCAG. We seem to be missing the following terms
> Credit Card Type - Type of payment instrument (e.g. Visa)
> Transaction Currency - The monetary system being used for the transaction
> Transaction Amount - The amount that the user is committing to for a transaction (e.g., when entering a bid or sale price)
> Checkout - Proceed to the purchasing process
> I think it is important that we support WCAG as much as possible
> Are there any objections to adding these?
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman
> LinkedIn <http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/>, Twitter <https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa>