Re: question regarding w3id based purls

Hi Joep,

That seems like a sensible policy! To implement that, you would only need a single entry in w3id for netbeheer/ and then you could build a directory structure for def/, doc/ etc. with individual .htaccess files within them. Or a single large .htaccess file at the top level netbeheer/ which would be more complex but perhaps easier to maintain with all the entries in one place.

By the way, the policy you’re working with seems similar to the Australian government URI policy which is described at I’d be interested to see any Dutch policy documents for the national government uri strategy if you can find them please. I would like to compare them to ours.


(Co-chair of the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group)

Nicholas Car
Data Systems Architect
SURROUND Australia
0477 560 177

> On 14 Sep 2019, at 12:15 am, Genuchten, Joep van <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about how to best proceed in requesting purls on the w3id domain.
> We (a consortium of Dutch electricity and gas grid operators of which my organization, Alliander is one) would like to publish our ontologies on w3id conform the Dutch national government uri strategy.
> In a nutshell this would come down to a pattern like this:
> · (netbeheer means ‘grid operation’) as a base domain
> ·  would be the base domain for ontology files (in ttl/rdf xml etc), similar to the NS namespaces of the w3c
> ·  would be where documentation for the ontologies is published, similar to the TR namespaces of the w3c
> ·  would refer to a specific ontology file
> The last bullet is currently the only redirect for which I currently have an address. Is it possible to built this structure in this way even if not all higher levels have a redirect?
> Thank you for your help,
> Joep van Genuchten
> Data Architect, Alliander

Received on Saturday, 14 September 2019 06:20:43 UTC