- From: Edmond Chuc <e.chuc@uq.edu.au>
- Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:23:13 +0000
- To: "public-perma-id@w3.org" <public-perma-id@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <8852DF06-72AA-4C39-8F22-2FFEC6DBD094@uq.edu.au>
Hi, I’d like to make a request for https://w3id.org/tern/ontologies/org to redirect to a few resources based on its Accept header type. The /tern is the organization name, in this case, it is an acronym for Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN). The /ontologies is the subdirectory we intend to list our TERN-specific ontologies. The /org is the TERN-specific Organisations ontology. Rules: * https://w3id.org/tern/ontologies/org with Accept header text/html should redirect to https://ternaustralia.github.io/ontology_tern-org/ * https://w3id.org/tern/ontologies/org with Accept header text/turtle should redirect to https://raw.githack.com/ternaustralia/ontology_tern-org/master/tern-org.ttl I am not familiar with Apache HTTP server. If you can implement the above, then I should be able to figure out the syntax and implement the other content types like application/rdf+xml, etc. Once it is implemented, I will also add a README.md file and make a pull request. Additional ontologies will be added under the /tern/ontologies but I should be able to make pull requests for those too. Please if there is any doubt, let me know. Thanks for your work. Regards, Edmond
Received on Sunday, 24 November 2019 20:16:28 UTC