- From: Alina Saenko <alina@packed.be>
- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2019 13:55:15 +0100
- To: public-perma-id@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAPECowFoARApcjb0p6F84QbW9ivUOVsj96XsayEpsppOKw8jyw@mail.gmail.com>
Dear, My name is Alina and I work for PACKED <http://www.packed.be> - non-profit expertise center for digital heritage in Flanders (Belgium). I am contacting you because we are currently working on a project on persistent URI's for heritage objects from small/medium cultural heritage institutions. In this project we created the cultURIze <https://github.com/PACKED-vzw/CultURIze/wiki> tool that is responsible for the resolving. The code and the wiki is still work-in-progress. Currently we are trying to set up a governance model for this open source tool and are hoping to engage heritage institutions to share the financial and administrative tasks. The model of W3id has a lot of influence on our project. I have a couple of questions about your governance model that I didn't find the answers to at your website. I was hoping you could find some time to give me more information in these topics: - How do you generate the financial means to manage the service? Do the six organizations each make a yearly contribution? In money or in time and are the shares the same? - How do you keep and give the overview of the spending of financial means to the partners? Is there an organization that was created specifically to overlook these things? - How much say do each of the partners have in the decision making about the service? - How would you formulate the return of investment for the engaged parties? Why do the six organizations find it is important to participate in keeping this service alive for themselves and everyone else and invest their own time and money in it? Thank you very much in advance for your answers. Best regards, Alina <https://www.packed.be/>[image: VIAA] <https://www.packed.be/> Alina Saenko Inhoudelijk medewerker (afwezig op vrijdag) (sinds 1 januari 2019 onderdeel van VIAA vzw) *NIEUW ADRES: Kleindokkaai 9a | 9000 Gent | Belgiƫ **|* *www.packed.be <http://www.packed.be/> **| **www.viaa.be <http://www.viaa.be/>* T: +32 9 298 05 01 *|* M: +32 471 34 46 91 <https://debeeldcapsule.be/nl>
Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2019 17:27:49 UTC