Seeking your feedback on priority of feature requests for SPC (ideally before 9 November)

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

Today Stephen McGruer presented a list of feature requests related to SPC that the Chrome Team has heard. 

We are seeking feedback on the list:

* Are there additional feature requests you have or you heard that should be added to the list?
* Of the features listed, do you think there are any that are blocking adoption (or even pilots)?
* What would be the top five features you think the Chrome team should address?

I will collate responses I receive on this list or privately and share with the Working Group. It would be great to hear back
from you by the next regularly scheduled meeting (9 November). 

Note: We anticipate a response from the EMVCo 3DS Working Group; we don’t yet have a timeline for that response. 

Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 917 450 8783

Received on Thursday, 26 October 2023 15:55:38 UTC