DECISION: Regarding Call for Consensus to Request Revision of the Web Payments Working Group Charter

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

In response to the 24 April Call for Consensus [1] to Request Revision of the Web Payments Working Group Charter, 5 participants supported the proposal and 1 participant supported the consensus of the group. There were no objections.

The Chairs hereby record a decision that the proposal carries.

Next steps:
* Complete horizontal review of the charter (anticipated by 16 May)
* Secure approval from W3C management
* Start 4-week Member review of the charter (anticipated no sooner than mid-May)

For the co-Chairs,
Ian Jacobs


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 917 450 8783

Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2023 13:17:25 UTC