RE: Call for Consensus to Request Revision to Web Payments Working Group Charter

1. Support the proposal

From: Ian Jacobs <>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 8:57 AM
To: Payments WG <>
Subject: [External] Call for Consensus to Request Revision to Web Payments Working Group Charter

Dear Web Payments Working Group Participants,

This is a Call for Consensus to request that the Director propose a revised Web Payments Working Group Charter to the W3C Membership:

Draft charter:<>

Diff from current operative charter:<>

PLEASE RESPOND to the proposal by 1 May 2023 (16h00 UTC).

For example, if you support the proposal, respond to this list with "1. Support the proposal."

For the co-Chairs,
Ian Jacobs


This proposed charter restores a paragraph of text previously in the
charter. The following timeline helps to explain this change:

* December 2019: W3C enacts a charter [1] for the Web Payments WG
that includes the following text:

"User interface specifics are out of scope; this Working Group is
chartered to Recommend programming interfaces, not user interface
specifics. However, it is in scope for the Working Group to discuss
user experience, for example as part of understanding user journeys
during a checkout experience."

* August 2021: W3C publishes the First Public Working Draft of
Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC) [2].

* November 2022: W3C enacts an updated charter [3] for the Working
Group that does not include the above text. It was removed from the
charter to avoid confusion about the group's work on Secure Payment
Confirmation, which describes functionality related to the user
experience of confirming a transaction.

* March 2023: The Working Group receives a request [4] to restore the
text to the charter.

Although the group's chartered end date is 31 December 2024, the
proposal is to renew the charter now to facilitate participation in
the group. In addition, this charter revision includes updated
milestone expectations regarding the publication of the SPC Candidate
Recommendation and eventual Recommendation; see the full diff [5].



That the Web Payments Working Group request that the Director propose
a revision to its Charter to the W3C Membership.

Please indicate one of the following in your response:

1. Support the proposal.

2. Request some changes, but support the proposal even if suggested changes are not taken into account.

3. Request some changes, and do not support the proposal unless the changes are taken into account.

4. Do not support the proposal (please provide rationale).

5. Support the consensus of the Web Payments Working Group.

6. Abstain.


* If you wish your LACK of support to publish to be conveyed to the
Director and reviewed, please include the phrase "FORMAL OBJECTION"
in your response and be sure to include substantive arguments or

* The W3C Director takes Formal Objections seriously, and therefore
they typically require significant time and effort to

* Silence will be taken to mean there is no Formal Objection.

* If there are Formal Objections, the Chairs plan to contact the
individual(s) who made them to see whether there are changes that
would address the concern and increase consensus to publish.

For more information, see:<>


* In the case where this Call for Consensus results in a decision that
the proposal carries, the staff contact will request that the
Director announce the charter to the Membership. If the Director
agrees, the usual charter review process would begin:<>

* Review by the W3C Membership may result in Formal Objections to the
charter. To mitigate this risk, in the announcement of the proposed
charter, we will emphasize that there are no changes to deliverables
in this charter, only restoration of previous charter text.

* While Member review of a proposed charter is ongoing, or in the case
that the charter is not approved (or not approved in a timely
fashion), the Payments Working Group can continue to operate under
its current charter through 31 December 2024.

Ian Jacobs <<>><>
Tel: +1 917 450 8783

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Received on Monday, 1 May 2023 14:17:55 UTC