Fwd: Regarding your blog comment

This is the reason that I said that my input was not accepted. My point is
that any standard that focuses on minimizing user time rather than issues
like user acceptance is not focused on the user, but on the guy trying to
extract money from the user.  I take Ian's comment on user experience to
miss the point that you are relying on merchant measures of success rather
than the user's measures of success.

Be the change you want to see in the world ..tom

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 8:58 AM
Subject: Regarding your blog comment
To: Tom Jones <thomasclinganjones@gmail.com>

Hi Tom,

I was surprised by your blog post comment, which I’ve not yet approved
since I want to see if there is some misunderstanding, or if you’d be
willing to revisit your comment to foster public engagement on how we can
improve our specifications.

You wrote:

 "I am, frankly, appalled. Unfortunately I am not surprised. Many of the
standards organizations, like the OpenID foundation, have taken the same
approach, to satisfy developers at huge corporations. In the short run this
looks like success. In the long run you wind up with a population of users
that hates the technology choices that they have. Minimizing distraction is
NOT a good goal. Keeping user cognitive load to a low level would be
better, but the best goal would be a user experience that leaves then
satisfied with the end result.
I do applaud the effort to work with the web auth team, but find that they
have a similar disregard for the user. At Kantara we are trying to build
systems that allow for secure use for the user secrets (aka credentials). I
would like to see the w3c pay more attention to the user than the
corporation. See the following for our current attempt to address these
security issues in healthcare, as an example,

May I ask: what exactly appalls you?

We are trying to build a better user experience. What gives you the
impression that we are not thinking about user experience. Both Payment
Request API and Web Authentication are strongly geared towards improving
the user experience.

I think it’s a fine comment to say "Minimizing distraction is NOT a good
goal. Keeping user cognitive load to a low level would be better”.
I would be inclined to engage with you on that topic, to learn more about
what you mean specifically by reducing cognitive load and how you see that
as being different from minimizing distraction.



Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2021 17:18:34 UTC