[Agenda] 16 September card payment security task force

Hi all,

To help us prepare for our virtual meetings in October, let’s discuss this week:

 * SRC Proposed Architecture status reports. Any experimentation happening? Any demos possible in October?
 * TPAC agenda around card payment security
 * Next steps for this task force

Also, based on some input from Brian Piel it could be useful to document threads that are important to this task force, and where conversations are happening. For example:

  1) SRC
     a) Proposed architecture for using PR API
     b) Early discussions about SPC, but without instrument selection
     c) Early discussions about adding instrument selection to SPC also happening

  2) 3DS
     a) FIDO data as input to 3DS AREQ (EMVCo and FIDO discussions)
     b) WebAuthn in PR API for challenge flow (SPC)
     c) Browser based data for fraud models aligning to EMV 3DS standards, returned to requestor by browser
  3) Tokenization. No current discussions

Call info:

- 11am-noon ET
- WebEx: http://www.w3.org/2018/11/cps.ics
- IRC: irc.w3.org in the channel #wpwg

Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 20:49:23 UTC