WPWG calls week of 20 January 2020 (what's on and what's canceled)

Dear WPWG Participants,

Having just spoken with co-Chairs Adrian HB, here is the meeting schedule for the WPWG this week:

* 22 January: The joint task force of WPWG and WebAuthn will meet; I will send a separate agenda email to that task force.
* 22 January: The card payment security task force will not meet. We are making progress on a document that describes how SRC through PR API will work; I expect that to be ready to discuss at the 5 February call.
* 23 January: The main WPWG call is canceled. Our primary agenda item had been to share SRC progress with the larger group, but I think it will take an extra two weeks to be prepared.

Next scheduled meetings after this week:

 * 5 Feb: Join task force
 * 5 Feb: Card payment security task force
 * 6 Feb: Main WPWG call

Please remember to register for the face-to-face meeting:


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 20 January 2020 17:33:03 UTC