Re: Request-to-Pay versus PaymentRequest

This is the problem space we are trying to solve with Payment Pointers:
In my opinion what is required is a decoupled (from the payment rails)
Web-based pay-by-proxy system.

E.g. If you look at the SEPA Proxy Lookup system in Europe this requires a
central database of "proxies" (mobile numbers) that maps to accounts.
The result is a system that is very dependent on the directory
owner/maintainer's integrity and ability to secure the system.

The Web is a better, user-maintained system.
i.e. Let the proxy simply be a URL that directs to a JSON resource which
describes the payee details.

BUT, URLs (as proved by the failed efforts to use them as identifiers for
login) are hard for people to grok as anything else.
Email addresses are a tempting "Web" alternative but overloading email
addresses has its own challenges.

The vision with Payment Pointers is that any entity that provides accounts
(wallets) can issue a payment pointer to the account holder.
This solves for the discovery phase of a payment following which the
sending and receiving entities communicate via a protocol like Open
Payments to pick a clearing system and negotiate the terms of the payment.

E.g. Blue Bank can host a JSON document at
that describes how to send money to me at Blue Bank, including ways to
verify that you are sending to the correct person. That URL is translated
to a payment pointer to make it recognisable as a URl for a specific
purpose: $

I can share the URL via QR code too...

On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 17:00, Anders Rundgren <>

>      In Europe, "Request for payment" technology is now recognized as one
> of the most
>      innovative and needed by users, both individuals and businesses.
> Changes in the labor
>      market (more people exercising individual orders in flexible forms of
> cooperation) and
>      growing importance of cashless transactions (and demand for cashless
> settlements
>      between private individuals) make this  option more desirable and
> expected. A report
>      prepared by FasterPayments shows that as many as 42% of British have
> occasionally
>      transferred money to an incorrect bank account number. In addition,
> one-fifth of Britons
>      regularly ignore requests for money transfer in electronic and paper
> correspondence.
>      At the same time, the communication channel through the bank’s mobile
> applications is
>      considered one of the most reliable and secure.
> I believe this is pretty interesting.  Current solutions seem to be based
> on notifications in specific apps like WeChat, Mobile Banks etc.
> The IETF is considering a specific URL scheme:
> Would it maybe be possible creating a solution where ordinary Web links
> are used?  Why would that be useful?  Well, let's say that you rather
> consider "Messenger" your main communication system.  Or why not good ol'
> e-mail?  isn't that what PayPal already do?
> What's a bit puzzling (to me) is why BLIK (the Polish mobile payment
> standard) need new interbanking mechanisms to realize this functionality.
> SWIFT claims that as well.
> Anders

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2020 10:37:44 UTC