[Canceled] 13 June WPWG teleconference; next call 27 June

Dear Web Payments Working Group participants,

With the co-Chairs we had thought we might be able to organize a discussion around the newly published SRC 1.0 
for the 13 June WPWG call. However, we did not line up speakers in time, so we are postponing that discussion.

Another topic we had planned to touch on briefly is that Visa has excluded patents on the recently republished
Candidate Recommendation of PR API 1.0. The W3C staff is currently evaluating the situation and so I do not
expect to have anything concrete in time for 13 June.

As a result, we are canceling this week’s call. The next call will take place on 27 June:

I expect to have an update from browser vendors by then on progress with the PR API 1.0 implementation report:

Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 17:38:12 UTC