from February 2019 by subject

[Action requested] Creating a list of "after v1 features" for face-to-face discussion

[Agenda] 13 February 2019 Card Payment Security Task Force call

[Agenda] 6 February 2019 Card Payment Security Task Force call

[Agenda] 7 February WPWG teleconference

[Meeting notice] No WPWG call 21 February; next Thursday call 7 March

[Minutes] 13 February Card Payment Security Task Force

[Minutes] 6 February Card Payment Security Task Force; next meeting 13 February

[Minutes] 7 February 2019 WPWG meeting

[Summary] Substantive changes to Payment Request API since July 2018 Candidate Recommendation draft

Payment Request Issues for V1 Closed; preparing for next steps

Reminder - No card security task force call today

Status of "Payment Tokens"

Last message date: Wednesday, 20 February 2019 16:17:22 UTC