On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 2:03 AM Anders Rundgren <
anders.rundgren.net@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Chairs and WG members,
> This recent speech by an ECB board member echoes what I have been saying
> for quite some time:
> https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2019/html/ecb.sp191126~5230672c11.en.html
> "progress at the back-end has not translated into similar progress at
> the front-end, which
> remains fragmented, with no European solution emerging for
> point-of-sale and online payments"
> Although not useless, PaymentRequest does not address this problem. It is
> obvious that a more complete standard is needed in order to succeed.
What are the components of the more complete standard in your mind?
> I'm well aware of that this is out of scope for the W3C.
> It is worth noting that the ECB use the terms "frontend" and "backend"
> which have been a stumbling block for the now dormant credit-transfer WG
> item. ISO 20022 is primarily backend and thus have little to do with
> PaymentRequest which is frontend. Of course the front- and back-ends must
> meet somewhere but that is actually one of the more complex topics.
> Regards
> Anders
> non-Member