Shopify findings from Web Payments experiments

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

Our Shopify colleagues have published the findings of their Web Payments experiments as a 2-part blog post:

There are some important findings, both immediately positive (“faster checkout”) and some requiring more work.
Shopify will present their findings for Working Group discussion during TPAC [1].

In some cases, work is underway to address some of the points raised in the post. For instance, I believe
Shopify has been providing feedback to browser vendors on user experience. And the visual identity task force
is discussing ways to tie together the buy button and the sheet (see the brand analysis work underway [2]). 
I hope that others will bring their learnings to the group so that we can adjust the specification and implementations
and advance to the next level of adoption.

Thanks to Shopify for sharing their experience!



Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2018 21:47:14 UTC