Reading Material to Prepare for Web Payments Working Group

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

Our face-to-face meeting starts next week (22-23 October). To help you
prepare, the Co-Chairs and I wanted to bring to your attention the
growing number of resources linked from the agenda [1]. We recommend
that you familiarize yourself with the agenda and these materials over
the coming week. We will continue to link to slide decks as presenters
make them available.




 * Antitrust and Competition Guidance.

 * Payment Request API implementation report, which will be an artifact
   that we present to the Director as part of requesting to advance
   on the standards track. We will want to show at least two implementations
   of each feature, as represented by the tests. Where we do not yet
   have two implementations, we will need to plan our next steps. In particular,
   we will need to discuss whether the implementations will change or whether
   we need to adjust the specification:

 * There are also several slide decks linked from the agenda, notably
   this one for our Tuesday morning discussion:

    Payment Risk Analysis on the Web

   Please note in particular two ideas for browser APIs that are
   linked from that deck:

    Device Data API

    User Confidence Score

 * Shopify's experiment and findings, part of the merchant and user
    adoption session:

  * Links to all the group's draft specifications can be found here:

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 15 October 2018 18:07:18 UTC