Creating Web Payments logo

Hi all,

I'm Eiji, a developer advocate at Google working on the open web focusing
on payments and identity from Tokyo Japan.

As Payment Handler is becoming a good shape and being shipped on Chrome , I
think it's good time to determine web payments' official logo. I heard
there were efforts to create one in the past but didn't come to a

I'd like to hear your opinion on
- if we should do it
- how we should do it

Luckily, Ian has already come up with set of expectations to the logo

Let's follow that. And on top of what he suggested, I think:
- Web payments logo can represent this effort and it will be far easier for
people to identify a payment solution is one of web payments even they have
never seen it before.
- The logo can be a symbol across web, merchant and payment industries and
will unite us together.

I'm thinking if we can use the logo for
- Generic payment button (launches Payment Request UI instead of specific
payment app directly)
- A sticker on a technical documentation that means the technology is based
on web payments

If there are enough interest, I'd like to determine how we should move
things forward.
Let first tell us what you think.


P.S. There's a Web Payments slack and some of us have been discussing about
this for sometime. Please feel free to join.

Eiji Kitamura | Developer Advocate | | +81-80-1150-6480

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 08:41:26 UTC