Update to GitHub watch list

Hi Payments WG,

It was pointed out to me today that some recent GitHub activity had not been reflected on the WG’s mailing list.
I investigated and found it was my fault. :)

I think there are two reasons we mirror notifications to a W3C mailing list:

 * So that people who are signed up from the WG have less to do in order to get these messages. Furthermore,
   some people may not be able to access GitHub from work computers and this allows them to receive a W3C
   email version.
 * To archive the work we do on GitHub (onto W3C’s mailing list services)

The reason is that I manually maintain a list of people subscribed to the list public-webpayments-specs@w3.org
(where GitHub notifications are sent from repos of this Working Group) is so that people can choose to be
subscribed to public-payments-wg@w3.org while choosing NOT to receive GitHub notifications.

Today I subscribed a lot of “missing” addresses to public-webpayments-specs@w3.org. As a result you
may find that you are receiving emails that you didn’t receive previously (from GitHub). If you do NOT
wish to be subscribe to the list, let me know.


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 18:26:24 UTC