Upcoming meetings of the WPWG and task forces

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

Many thanks to those who were able to attend the Singapore face-to-face meeting! I found the
meeting very productive and will be working on and publishing the minutes in the next couple
of days. I will also work with the Chairs on a recap of the meeting and summary of priorities.

Here’s a schedule of upcoming calls (through 3 May):

 * No meetings the week of 23 April.
 * 1 May, 11:30-12:30am ET - Tokenization task force
 * 3 May, 10-11:00am ET - Working Group call
 * 3 May, 11am-noon ET - 3DS Task Force call

Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Sunday, 22 April 2018 21:03:50 UTC