Next WPWG teleconference: 6 April

Dear WPWG,

Please note based on last week’s meeting that:

 * 30 March: No teleconference
 * 6 April: Teleconference when we freeze the issues we want to resolve before advancing PR API and PMI to CR.
               (We will also try to freeze the issues list for Payment Handler API to FPWD by that date.)

   6 April agenda in development:

In a day or so I will send a “plan for getting to CR and FPWD” that explains in more detail what happens next,
how to prepare for 6 April, and an overall timeline for CR and FPWD of various specifications.


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 28 March 2017 21:22:58 UTC