[w3c/webpayments] Small fixes (#206)

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-- Commit Summary --

  * Add section on merchantID
  * Deleted unused section
  * fix
  * Merge remote-tracking branch 'w3c/gh-pages' into gh-pages
  * New shell for Direct Debit
  * Small fixes

-- File Changes --

    A proposals/direct-debit/CONTRIBUTING.md (25)
    A proposals/direct-debit/LICENSE.md (2)
    A proposals/direct-debit/README.md (9)
    A proposals/direct-debit/index.html (150)
    A proposals/direct-debit/w3c.json (5)
    M proposals/method-practice/index.html (2)

-- Patch Links --


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Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 23:24:54 UTC